
Challenges and Enablers for Process Reengineering Projects

The Implementation of process re-engineering projects is one of the most complex projects as it requires a consideration of numerous aspects to achieve success, which those interested found to be the management commitment, effective communication for change, focusing on customer needs, and optimal use of technology. likewise, others mentioned that the critical success factors in the implementation of re-engineering project are change management and culture, the efficiency of management and support, planning and management of projects, cooperation between employees, IT infrastructure and optimization of other capabilities.

As for the challenges and factors that may affect the performance of the re-engineering projects and are considered a negative indicator when they appear during the implementation stages, they are the middle management’s fear of losing authority, the employees’ fear of losing jobs, the doubts among employees regarding the feasibility of the project, the unreadiness status of employees' to participate in the project and the absence of adopting the change in business culture within the organization. In addition to the poor internal communications, and the presence of organizational resistance, without an effective approach to dealing with it will surely lead to project failure, as well as the managing the project by disqualified teams.

Furthermore, the common misunderstanding of the concept of process re-engineering in our Arab world, in addition to the misapplication by professionals and consultants the lack of awareness about this type of project among the companies and professionals as It is rumored that will cost losing the staff's jobs or resulting in organizational restructuring. Process engineering projects focus mainly on analyzing the operations and activities of the organization and thereafter, evaluating the extent that the organization can go for to change its ways and method of carrying out these activities. implementing re-engineering projects often requires creative thinking, a fresh perspective, unconventional ways of thinking, and resilient individuals who are constantly looking for a change.

Process re-engineering projects are one of the recent phenomena in the government sector in the Kingdom, where government agencies in Saudi Arabia have started the digital transformation with the aim of improving the quality of services provided and citizen satisfaction. Despite many government agencies are pioneers in providing e-services, some of the services in their digital forms still reflect the services in the traditional way in the sense that the internal procedures still with no radical change in the ways of work, the transformation processes are supposed to include changing many of the service's principles, re-examining the work environment, as well as building strategies centered around quality of services and satisfaction of citizens and on Improving processes and productivity, controlling and reducing waste.